
Monday, September 22, 2014

Brandy Flambéd Fruit

Some nights after a good run, a protein shake is the go-to recovery.  Other times, a piece of chocolate.  This time, strawberries and banana flambéd in brandy served atop mango sorbet.  It also helps that this evening's menu was a "girl's dinner for one". 

Tonight's run was actually pretty good for the both of us, timewise that is.  Both the dog and I are terrified of darkness - no joke.  You've never seen a dog "go tinkle" quicker than our dog when it's pitch black outside.  Add fireworks to that mix and it's over.  Anywho...  the fright in both of us resulted in knocking 2 minutes off our overall usual time.  Wonder what my time would be if I did one of the Halloween night time zombie runs?  I think I'd have an anxiety attack before I finished or who knows, new PR perhaps.

Ingredients for ONE serving:
  • 1 Tbsp butter
  • 2 Tbsp brown sugar
  • 7 strawberries, sliced
  • 1/2 banana, sliced
  • 1/4 c. brandy
  • Matches or lighter
  • 1/2 c. mango sorbet
1) In a saucepan, melt the butter over medium-high heat

2) Once butter is melted, add in the brown sugar

3) Once the sugar has melted into the butter and created a brown, bubbly syrup, add in the strawberries & bananas.  Stir the sugar syrup so it covers all of the fruit.

5) Continue cooking fruit until the strawberries start to become translucent and starting to form a compote (thick fruit syrup sauce and fruit is is beginning to fall apart)

6) Now for the fun part!!!  Add the brandy to the sauce pan.  Grab your lighter or match and light the brandy.  (Disclaimer - don't be the fool to put your face near the pan).  Wow your dinner guests by turning the lights off and enjoying the fire show.  It will take about 2 minutes for the alcohol to completely burn through.

7) In a dessert dish or glass, place in 2 scoops of a fruit sorbet (or a GF cake slice, cupcake, shortcake, etc).

8) Over the sorbet (or base delicacy of your choice), pour the fruit and sauce.  Grab a small spoon.

9) Find a comfortable chair, lean back, & enjoy :-)

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