
Thursday, October 9, 2014

Italian Sausage In White Wine

Thursdays, my favorite weeknight next to Friday :-)  At least this semester since I don't have class on Thursday evenings.  Life like a normal working adult, what?!  So after work today, I came home, worked on a bit of clinic work (law clinic, no, I did not switch over to med school), then opened the fridge.  Our regular shopping organization has gone down the trash lately.  Which is ok.  It was just nice over summer being able to stop at the grocery store for whatever sounded good for dinner.  We have to get back in the groove of things and plan meals out, but we've both been quite a bit busy lately.  I ramble... sorry.  Anyways, I purchased some spicy italian sausage earlier this week, which I would normally make with onions and peppers.  But... no peppers in the fridge.  Did a little digging around online and my pantry and decided to combine beans, carrots, onions, wine, and sausage.  Legit.  

Also, other reasons Thursdays are awesome - it's "How to Get Away with Murder" night :-)  And today is awesome because it's the opening game for the Red Wings 2014-15 season.  I should probably be studying or something, shouldn't I?  Bah, I'm a "3L" and we've all heard it, 3Ls don't study anymore.  

  • 1 lb italian sausage (spicy or mild) - grilled/cooked and sliced (I recommend cooking on an inside grill while cooking veggie and wine mixture)
  • 3 carrots, sliced OR 20 baby carrots, sliced
  • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • 1 Tbsp garlic
  • 1 Tbsp dried tarragon
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp black pepper
  • 1 can white kidney beans - rinsed and drained
  • 1 cup dry white wine
  • 1/2 tsp chicken bouillon
  • Cooked pasta, rice, spaghetti squash, quinoa, etc
1) Place a deep skillet or saucepan over medium-high heat.  Spray with cooking oil or add EVOO.

2) Once the pan is heated up, add the carrots, onions, and garlic.  Also add the salt, pepper, and tarragon.  Cook until onions are translucent and carrots are becoming tender.  Should be about 8-10 minutes.

3) Add the beans into the pan mixture.  Stir for about 1 minute.  Now add the wine ad chicken bouillon into the pot.  Let simmer for 5 minutes.

4) Once the white wine has reduced down (it should smell less like alcohol burning), it's time to add the sliced sausage into the pan.  Simmer with the sausage for about another 5 minutes, just to make sure all of the flavors and juices are get a moment to blend into one another.

5) Serve the mixture on its own or over pasta, rice, etc.  Enjoy dinner in about 20 minutes or less from the time you started cooking.

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