
Sunday, November 16, 2014

Steak, potatoes, & lager

I recently started donating blood on a regular basis; it's a good deed and only takes about an hour of my time.  And American Red Cross even tracks where your blood is sent off to, so it's really nice knowing that you've helped someone at the local children's hospital.  A few months ago, I woke up on the "wrong" side of the bed, and first thing I saw in my e-mail box was that specific alert.  That e-mail washed all the cranky away that morning.  

This weekend I had an appointment to donate blood, but I was turned away!  My blood pressure was too low.  Likely because my appointment was so early in the morning, that I literally rolled out of bed, had a quick cup of coffee, and made it there.  (My appointments will now always be in the afternoon)  My husband then made the off the cuff remark that I need to eat more red meat.  Now, there's not necessarily a correlation that red meat increases blood pressure... but golly, that one comment had me craving steak all day long!  But I didn't want to slave away at cooking a good meal... and it was below freezing, so the grill wasn't the most attractive option.

This meat in this dish will be just about as tender as if it was cooking for 2-3 hours in the oven or in the slow cooker all day long!

  • 1 lb of petite steak (or any cut of steak) cut into 2-inch strips
  • 4-5 small-medium red potatoes, sliced
  • 1 medium sweet onion, sliced
  • 1/2 yellow bell pepper, rough chopped
  • Salt & Pepper
  • 1 bottle lager (for 100% GF, use about 1 cup beef broth instead)
  • 2 Tbsp parsley, chopped
1) Preheat oven to 400F

2) In a casserole dish, lay the cut steak strips at the bottom.  Season with salt & pepper

3) In a bowl, combine the vegetables and parsley.  Then add the vegetables and parsley atop the meat in the casserole dish.

3) Pour about 3/4 of the bottle over the veggies and steak.  Enjoy the rest.  

4) Place the casserole dish in the oven.  Bake for 50-60 minutes until the steak is done and potatoes are tender.  

6) Plate and serve with veggies, salad, rice, or any other side dish of your pleasing.  We just used leftover brussel sprouts.

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