Thursday, December 20, 2012

Ghirardelli Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Accents

Sadly, this is another recipe I can’t take credit for.  BUT it did turn out rich and delicious, so I wanted to share it and let you know where to find the recipe.   This is the first time I’ve used buttermilk in a cake recipe, it does add an extra richness and flavor to the cake.
Original Recipe:
Advice & Some Funnies:
  • So the recipe calls for baking soda.. USE BAKING SODA.  DO NOT accidentally use baking powder, I did.  My first batch turned into flat, thick brownies.  OOPS & blush.  For some reason, totally misread the directions.  Possibly because I was making a ham and another cake at the same time.
  • Purpose of the baking soda – there is a wicked reaction between the buttermilk and the baking soda.  Joy of Cooking talks a little bit more about both baking soda & powder -  But seriously, the 1/2 cup of Buttermilk rises to about a full glass after mixing it with the soda.  Reminds you of the volcano science projects from 3rd grade.
  • Instead of using just regular baking cocoa powder, I used all Ghirardelli.  OMG – you can’t beat the taste of that chocolate!

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