Thursday, December 20, 2012

Vanilla Sponge Cake

Final exams are all over, work project is done, and we (hubs and I) flew down to Texas on Saturday, then drove down to Mexico yesterday to spend Christmas with my family.   About 11 days off of work in a row – this is going to be fantastic.  And, (shame on me), I didn’t even bring a single textbook down to prep for classes that start back up January 7th.  This is a much needed week of R&R and bonding with my husband again and enjoying my family that I only get to see a few times a year.  … And perhaps catching up a bit on the blog with the yummy recipes from the past few weeks.
So, this recipe, I can take absolutely no credit for.  Therefore, I’m really just posting a picture of the cake itself and a link to the original website.   But I do have a couple tips of advice…
Original Recipe:
Tips of Advice
  • For the egg whites – use 1 tsp or so of cream or tartar – it helps the eggs whites fluff/whip to the right consistency.  You can be a total nerd like be and look up the chemical reaction that takes place to make this happen :-)
  • You don’t necessarily need to use springform pans – the new silicon round pans work pretty well too such they just peel and bend away from the cake without ruining it.

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