Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Balsamic Stuffed Flank Steak

We completely forgot about our Sam's Club membership... and as I was cleaning out our home office a few months ago, low and behold my Sam's Club card!  Now, you may ask, how do you forget you have a membership to Sam's Club?  Because my mom and dad have me on their membership at no extra-cost and they added me a lifetime ago when I started out as a freshmen in college.  I never found it convenient to shop at Sam's then because my mini fridge/microwave dorm combination was certainly not large enough to hold the incredibly large sizes of food.  Except for the pizza rolls I used to indulge in at the time.  Maaayyybe that explains the "freshmen 25" yes, 25.  Some folks get the freshmen 10, I gained about 25 lbs in 3 months.  Not good, not good at all.  I digress.

So, we've started purchasing some meats and produce at Sam's Club and balancing out with Whole Foods for a smarter more wallet friendly approach to eating healthy.  Last week they some stellar deals on flank steaks and bell peppers and I wasn't in the mood for fajitas.  This stuffed flank steak does not take much effort and is great for company!

Servings: 4


  • 1 lb Flank Steak
  • 1 Tbsp minced garlic
  • 1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • 1/4 c. rough chopped sundried tomatoes
  • 1/2 chopped orange or yellow bell pepper
  • 1/2 chopped small red onion
  • 1/2 c. chopped baby spinach
  • 1 tsp Italian Seasoning
  • 4 basil leaves finely chopped or 1/2 tsp dried basil
  • Twine


1) Preheat oven to 375F
2) Butterfly fillet the flank steak so it looks like an "open book".  
3) Mix all of the ingredients, except the flank steak & twine in a bowl

4) Place the mix onto the flank steak

5) Roll your flank steak into a log and bundle it up with the twine.  Nothing intricate, just tightly double knot the strings along the length of the log roll.

6) Place the steak in the oven for 40 minutes.  

7) After 40 minutes, switch the oven over to broil to give a the steak roll a crispy crust on the outside while keeping the inside tender and juicy.  Broil for 5 minutes.  Pull out the steak and let it sit for a few minutes before slicing and serving. 

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